The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has ended its Agrichemical Cleanup Program (ACCP) fee holiday for non-household and minimum risk 25(b) exempt pesticides. This change will increase the Wisconsin product registration fee from $500 to $515 per product.

The $15 fee increase for “non-household” pesticides will take effect with renewal season for the 2025 registration year. All fees for “non-household” pesticides, including renewals, discontinuations, and new registrations will have the additional $15 applied once renewal information is sent out to registrants and their agents.

This fee is not a new fee but a surcharge fee for the ACCP that affected several licenses and registration types managed by the Wisconsin DATCP. The program was on a fee holiday that has been in effect since 2018.  This additional fee was maintained to help pay for the costs of cleaning up agrichemical spills. It was placed on a fee holiday due to a fee surplus and has been reactivated as the fund balance has fallen below $1.5 million.

Please contact SRC with any questions about your product registrations.


Amy Toogood  

Consultant Specialist I

Posted on: 07/24/24