Don’t Let Quality Be The Hold Up On Your Regulatory Submissions!

A common theme of 2024 is extended processing timelines for pesticide product reviews and approvals at both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). There are many factors leading to the current Agency timelines for all submission types.  A large backlog of actions coupled with resource constraints (personnel and budgetary) [...]

EPA Final Guidance and Test Method for Legionella Claims in Cooling Tower Water

Update to original blog on this topic, which was posted on October 03, 2023. On August 28, 2024, EPA published a final guidance and corresponding test method to allow the addition of planktonic Legionella pneumophila claims for cooling tower water.  These documents are now able to be used to support product claims. SRC Senior Efficacy Consultant, Denise [...]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Bilingual Labeling Requirements

Last week EPA released Bilingual Labeling Questions & Answers on its website to aid registrants in adding Spanish to their product labels. PRIA 5 requires all agricultural and restricted use non-agricultural pesticides to provide Spanish translation of key labeling information either on the container label or via a scannable link on the product label. Antimicrobials [...]

Update From California DPR on CalPEST Launch Date

UPDATE: The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has released a California Notice to Stakeholders, stating the launch of the California Pesticide Electronic Submission Tracking (CalPEST) system has been delayed until September 24, 2024. This delay will allow DPR time to correct functionality and security issues discovered during final testing and launch preparations. Please see [...]

Multi-State Minimum Risk(b) Pesticide Audit Results

In 2021, the Office of the Indiana State Chemist (OISC) state agencies began an audit of all registered Minimum Risk 25(b) Pesticide products to ensure they met the requirements outlined in AAPCO FIFRA 25(b) Workgroup guidance documents. To comply with this audit, all registrants were required to provide a market label, Confidential Statement of Formula (CSF), [...]

Wisconsin Registration Cost Update

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has ended its Agrichemical Cleanup Program (ACCP) fee holiday for non-household and minimum risk 25(b) exempt pesticides. This change will increase the Wisconsin product registration fee from $500 to $515 per product. The $15 fee increase for “non-household” pesticides will take effect with renewal season [...]

Amendments to OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard Take Effect July 19, 2024

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published the final rule on May 20, 2024, to amend the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS or HazCom) in 29 CFR 1910.1200. Amendments to the HCS will mostly align with the 7th Revision (and some parts of the 8th Revision) of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling [...]

Mill Assessment/Registration Timelines: UPDATE

UPDATE: The following increases to registration fees for the California Department of Pesticide Regulation will go into effect no later than 10/01/2024.   Earlier this year the California Governor unveiled a proposal to increase the pesticide mill assessment, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) primary funding source. The proposal has gone through many revisions [...]