Oregon EPR Deadline Approaching Quickly

Several states have enacted Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation, which is intended to increase recycling and sustainability, and to reduce waste by making producers responsible for end-of-life management of the covered products they produce. Specific requirements and dates vary from state to state. Though the deadline for Colorado’s requirement for producers to join a producer [...]

Get Signed Up for EPA’s MyPest Portal!

More transparency into the status of EPA review for our submitted applications is here!  In January, EPA launched its new MyPest portal, which will allow registrants and applicants to see the real-time status of their submission as it progresses through EPA's regulatory review. This is the first phase to be launched, with plans for exciting [...]

SRC State Registration Spring 2021 Newsletter

Topics Latest Timing Trends Upcoming Calendar Items Company Names Lifecycle of a Label Possible CA Registration Fee Increase SRC’s Communication/Submission Standards CA Mill Tax Update Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Fighting Product Lists   Latest Timing Trends States are experiencing delays in both new section 3 pesticide product registrations and in renewing existing products because of [...]


SRC State Registration Newsletter

Indiana Storage & Disposal Placement Indiana and Maine are enforcing an EPA formatting requirement for all labels moving forward. The EPA describes which parts of labels should fall under the Directions for Use heading: (ix) Specific directions concerning the storage, residue removal and disposal of the pesticide and its container, in accordance with subpart H [...]
