COVID-19 Testing
SRC has approval from EPA to conduct disinfectant testing on the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 outbreak strain) through Microbac Laboratories’ BSL-3 facility. Dr. Steve Zhou and his amazing team have nearly completed all propagation and feasibility studies. Please contact SRC to secure scheduling to prove effectiveness of your product, and assistance expediting the federal and state filings to get to market!
COVID-19 Disinfecting Products Lists
Are you interested in having your disinfectants included on a list of pre-approved products for use against emerging pathogens during the COVID-19 outbreak? If so, contact SRC today to determine if your company’s products are eligible to be included on the lists being compiled by the Center for Biocide Chemistries, US EPA, and Health Canada. These listings will be used by business owners, health professionals, and the public to identify products suitable for use against this virus.
American Chemistry Council’s Center for Biocide Chemistries:
Health Canada:
Minnesota Kit Registration Requirements
Recently, Minnesota notified SRC they are reviewing “Kit” registration requirements. During this time, Minnesota will accept new kit registrations but will not issue acceptances until their internal process review is completed. Currently, the state does not have an estimated timeline for when this review will be completed. However, we can expect all kit registrations (pending and active) to be held to the new registration requirements. SRC will continue to keep in touch with Minnesota for updates.
25(b) Registrations and Inert Guidance Document
States are becoming more stringent regarding 25(b) minimum risk pesticide reviews and in turn are revising their 25(b) guidance documents. The AAPCO workgroup released a revised inert ingredient guidance document in late February. The revised guidance indicates state agencies are questioning the function of certain inert ingredients, suggesting they are functioning as active ingredients in the product’s formulation. Potential developments include the need for reformulation or federal registration. The document is available on the AAPCO website: []
Indiana Change In Staff Responsibilities
Ed White, former Assistant Pesticide Administrator of the Office of the Indiana State Chemist, is now performing different duties in the department. Sarah Caffery is filling Ed’s previous position with L.E. Bradford serving as Administrative Assistant. SRC wishes Ed and Sarah all the best as they transition into their new roles.
Just a quick reminder that Indiana is currently auditing all pesticidal device registrations to assure they meet current state standards. In 2021, Indiana will audit all 25(b) products to assure they comply with the state and AAPCO guidance.
SRC Annual Validation
SRC Annual Validations are due to SRC by or before Wednesday, April 1. Please complete the Validation via SRC’s SERVICE Portal, and contact your State Registration Specialist if you have any questions.
State Certificate Retention
Beginning April 2020, SRC is implementing an expanded offering to better serve you! SRC will now manage all of your state certificates electronically. Certificates will be available 24/7 in SRC’s SERVICE Portal for immediate access. If you have any questions or would like to continue to receive hard copy certificates, please reach out to your friendly State Registration Specialist.
Annual Reconciliation
It is approaching the time of year when our clients are invoiced or refunded the difference between the state fees prepaid and the actual charges incurred. Itemized summaries with corresponding documents will be headed your way in April.
Published 3/11/2020 by:
Rene’ Leitheim: State Registration Manager
Celeste Bontrager: Registration Specialist
Chelsey Sandlin: Registration Specialist
Michelle Rhoades: Registration Specialist
Michelle Warrix: Registration Specialist
Tom Spahr: Registration Specialist
Nicki Baker, PhD: Registration Specialist