More transparency into the status of EPA review for our submitted applications is here!  In January, EPA launched its new MyPest portal, which allows registrants and applicants to see the real-time status of their submission as it progresses through EPA’s regulatory review. This is the first phase to be launched, with plans for exciting features to be added over the next one to two years, such as a chat function that allows you to message your reviewer about your submission.  We are excited to have a better view of the status of our client’s submissions while relieving some of the burden on Agency resources from numerous status update requests.  This is a great improvement to the registration process, and SRC is happy to help you register today!

How To Sign Up:

MyPest requires one individual be assigned as the Company Administrator, as authorized by a senior official of the company, per EPA Company Number. Once the Company Administrator is set up, they can assign your Agent and others within your organization to one of the many available roles, without additional EPA approvals.

Steps to MyPest access include:

  • Reviewing your official company contact in the EPA database to ensure it is up to date.  We can assist you with updates as needed.
  • Preparing a Company Administrator Authorization letter. Let us help you prepare this for the appropriate signatory.
  • Signing up for MyPest with a 2-factor authentication app for access and uploading the authorization letter either in MyPest or CDX.
  • Assigning SRC as an additional Company Administrator or Company Representative.  This allows us all to have a view into the submissions.

We are happy to help you set up your access or answer any questions as you go through this process.


Rebecca Mannion

Federal Team Assistant Manager – Regulatory

Posted on: 03/11/2024