It’s hard to believe how quickly quarter 4 is approaching! Over 40 U.S. states and territories have pesticide product registration renewal deadlines between September 15th and December 31st. Our 7 SRC State Registration Specialists are preparing to process renewals for over 3,000 pesticide products over the next 4 months.

As we prepare for this renewal season, our State Team has prepared the answers to some frequently asked questions about product renewals.

What do I do if I want to discontinue my product?

SRC will soon begin sending product lists to our state clients with the status of product. If you plan to cancel or discontinue a product or plan to market a new product, please notify your State Registration Specialist so we can ensure the accuracy of your product registrations.

Why does SRC ask for sales data in certain states?

Total sales of each product in Minnesota and North Carolina will be required to be provide with your renewal application. Minnesota also requires registrants to report the total amount sold in gallons or pounds.

The fee schedule for pesticide sales in North Carolina is as follows:

  • $200 fee for over $5,000 in sales
  • $175 fee for under $5,000 in sales

Can I continue to submit new product registrations during renewal season?

Yes, you can continue to submit new product registrations. However, SRC does warn our clients that some states will not allow/process initial registration applications during renewal season. It is also important to note that State Agencies do not prorate registration fees, so if you submit an initial product registration and it is approved even 1 day before the renewal deadline, you will also be assessed a fee to renew the product for 2025.

Additionally, approval from states for previously submitted initials could be postponed in preparation of renewal season if they have not been processed yet. We recommend you work with your marketing department to plan for longer review times to avoid missed timelines of launch dates.

We would love to help you manage your state product registration renewals. If you are interested in partnering with SRC, please contact for more information.



Michelle Warrix

State Registration Specialist II

Posted on: 08/28/24