Update: The proposed fee increase for Oregon pesticide product registration has been approved with an effective date of September 21st, 2022. Products renewing on December 31st, 2022 for the 2023 registration year will be subject to the new fee of $360/product. Please contact your SRC consultant with any questions about this change.

This week, Oregon Office of the Secretary of State released a Notice of Proposed Rule Making to increase the state’s pesticide registration fee from $320 to $360 per product. This rule will also make the registration fee non-refundable, so fees for non-compliant submissions will no longer be refunded to the applicant. The state is citing increased expenses as the reason for the 12.5% fee increase and chose not to increase the fee up to the full $400 per product maximum allowed under Oregon state House Bill 3549.

If approved this fee change will go into effect during the 2022 product registration renewal cycle. Oregon state renewals are due December 31st, 2022. SRC incorporates a 10% buffer into your state renewal fee invoice which was sent out in July to cover state fee increases, so no additional invoicing will be required due to this change.

This proposed rule will be open for public comment until August 31st, 2022. Please contact your SRC Regulatory Consultant with any statements you would like to be shared with the State of Oregon regarding this change and how it may impact your business. Comments may also be sent directly to the Rules Coordinator, Alex Thomas, at alex.thomas@oda.oregon.gov.


Please reach out to your SRC State Registration Specialist for more information regarding this additional label support.

As always, thank you for allowing SRC to partner with you.

Rene’ Leitheim

State Registration Manager

Posted 09/23/2022